Category : Miniature and Fairy Gardens

Miniature Garden: Emerald Isle, Mossy, Misty Irish Landscape

My latest miniature garden is titled, "Emerald Isle," inspired by the misty, mossy, verdant landscape of Ireland. I created this tabletop-sized landscape for the "Home and Family" show, Hallmark channel's popular daytime home and garden talk show. The Hallmark channel is all about…

2 Comments / 1073 View / March 12, 2014

Liquor-bottle-arbor-for-roses-mini-garden-for valentines shirley-bovshow

Miniature Rose Garden With Repurposed Glass Bottle Arbor

Liquor-bottle-arbor-for-roses-mini-garden-for valentines shirley-bovshow

I designed a miniature rose garden featuring repurposed glass bottles which I made into an arbor just in time for Valentines Day! Don't ask me where I get my wild ideas, I just get them. I have a collection of gorgeous liquor…

1 Comment / 2533 View / February 5, 2014

Miniature-Garden-Village-Shirley-Bovshow with two buildings- one is candy store and next door is the dentist

Fairy Gardening: Miniature Garden Ideas

Miniature-Garden-Village-Shirley-Bovshow with two buildings- one is candy store and next door is the dentist

Fairy gardening, as well as miniature gardening has opened up a new world of creativity for me as a landscape designer! Although I've  created miniature container gardens for many years, I've never had so many people request them as they…

21 Comments / 5132 View / January 3, 2013

Miniature Rose Garden: Container Idea

  What do you do with those cute miniature roses that you buy at the supermarket as a "last minute gift?" Glam it up and use it as a "climbing rose" trained over an arbor in a miniature rose garden!…

17 Comments / 1471 View / February 2, 2008

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