palm tree against sunny sky

Fall Tree Color in Los Angeles

by / 8 Comments / 284 View / December 10, 2010





So, Los Angeles isn't New England when it comes to Fall color, but there are some trees that you can plant for  that "four season" look, minus the snow.


Thank goodness I had my camera this morning.

The "fall trees" in my neighborhood were calling out to me.

Here are a few.


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Fall Tree Roll Call

  1. Pomegranate 
  2. Liquidambar 
  3. Birch 
  4. Crape Myrtle
  5. Ash 
  6. Sycamore 
  7. Orange 
  8. Evergreen Pear

Anyone have a Gingko tree in their yard? Upload a photo in the comment form pretty please.

I love those trees!

8 Comment

  1. I grew up in California and this makes me want to move back there and plant fall color plants and trees.

  2. Ah i want to go to california know, it looks so much cooler then Ohio

  3. It is well worth the trip! UK is on my future travel plans!

  4. One day I will visit California! In my head, I have scenes from The Grapes of Wrath, sprawling fields of orange trees… perhaps LA might not be quite like that, but still somewhere to see

  5. I once saw snow in LA visiting my daughter so it does not surprise me …Beautiful color

  6. Impressive finds in LA.  When we lived there we used to joke that if a tree's leafs changed colors and they started falling, that did not mean fall, but a dead tree.

  7. But what's better here in L.A. than in New England is great fall color enhanced by the variety of trees we have here that New England does not .

  8. […] people who plant large trees purchase them in wood box […]

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