Curb Appeal Front Yard Porch and Gardens

Curb Appeal: Five Inexpensive Front Yard Enhancements

by / 4 Comments / 6951 View / February 28, 2012

Enhancing the curb appeal of your house doesn't have to be expensive.

Wether you are interested in improving the look of your  front yard for personal enjoyment or for  selling your home, here are a few of my top recommendations.


This blog post is part of the Garden Designers RoundTable blog theme about "First Impressions."

Please visit the blogsites posted at the end of this article for more inspired ideas!


1. Mulch Your Garden Beds!

peach-pit-and-glass mulch in garden bed


Nothing says "finished and well tended" than a garden that is weed-free and mulched.

There are a variety of mulch products that can be used in your garden from free pine leaves to decomposed granite to decorative recycled glass and more!

The horticultural benefits of adding mulch to your soil are undisputed- it helps to retard weed growth and aids in moisture retention in the soil.


I enjoy the decorative benefits of a rich colored top dressing for the soil.


If you have a small garden, you can buy bags (usually 1 to 2 cubic foot size) of your preferred mulch or order large scoops at your landscape center and have it delivered.

Prices vary according to your selection.

Standard, "nothing special redwood nuggets or shredded bark " can cost from $4 per 1.5 cu ft bag, more or less depending on where you live.

Inorganic pebbles and stone costs me approximately $10 dollars for a seventy-five-pound bag.


Apply  mulch around your plants but avoid piling it up against the stems as this may encourage plant rot.

A two or three inch depth is adequate.


My favorite mulch for my Southern California garden are recycled peach pits and tumbled glass.

If you follow my blog, you know I have a fondness for seashells and wine corks too!

For in depth information read my post, "Mulch 101: The Art of Selecting the Perfect Garden Mulch."


I always say, "If your garden bed isn't mulched, it isn't finished yet!"



2. Add Potted Plants Near Your Front Door!

Potted Plants Near Front Door


Even if you can't afford to relandscape your entire front yard, place a few colorful containers with fragrant flowers near your entry for impact.

Your eye will be drawn to this bright focal point.

Need inspiration?

Read my blog post "Creative Container Garden Ideas."



3.Paint Your Front Door An Accent Color!


Painted Front Door for Curb Appeal


I have to admit, if it weren't for the bright fushia-colored front door, this yard would look very boring!

The bougainvillea is captivating but it doesn't sport color year round.


Select a paint color that compliments the foliage or prominent plant color in your garden to unify house and landscape.

Painting a front door is a lot like putting on lipstick.

Instant smile!


4. Beautify Your Mail Box!

creative mailbox planters

Need I say more about the uplifting affect of a plant-filled mailbox?

I was contacted a few month ago by the designers of Creative Mailbox Planters, a company that specializes in mailbox planters.

What a great idea!


For around $80, you can have "practical art" in your front yard.

Take a look at their photo gallery.


(This is not a paid endorsement, but please feel free to send me some "swag!)



5. Hide Your Water Hose


Decorative water hose urn


This tall, elegant urn is hiding an ugly secret…a waterhose!

A water hose is a practical element in your garden that can become a decorative feature, if you conceal it.

This urn was on sale at Target for  under $40 dollars. Not a bad deal.


Since I wasn't in the mood to spend ANY money, I repurposed a planter I had sitting around my yard.

I gave it a job.

Planter used as water hose storage





The planter is shallow so I don't have to dive in to pull out the hose.

It also matches the style of the other planters in the garden.


Go Add Some Curb Appeal To Your Front Yard!

A few small details can make a big difference in adding curb appeal to your yard.

Always follow the path of least expense.


Mulch your soil, paint your front door, display some colorful planters,  add decorative detail around the mailbox and hide your hose.

You get the idea.


Please subscribe to EdenMakers Blog for updates on new blog posts and for upcoming giveaways!

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Please join the Garden Designers Roundtable bloggers today as we explore the best of First Impressions:

Lesley Hegarty & Robert Webber : Hegarty Webber Partnership : Bristol, UK

Jocelyn Chilvers : The Art Garden : Denver, CO

Debbie Roberts : A Garden of Possibilities : Stamford, CT

Susan Morrison : Blue Planet Garden Blog : East Bay, CA

Christina Salwitz : Personal Garden Coach : Renton, WA





4 Comment

  1. Don't forget to mulch around the trees. Also, you may be able to get as much free mulch as you can handl from local tree companies. I would think they'd be happy to deliver a load of wood chips especially if they are working close by. Call around it's worth a shot.

  2. Yes, Yes, Yes, Hide the garden hose! Can’t tell you how many times an attractive garden has been spoiled by an unkempt pile of watering spaghetti… Great tips Shirley!

  3. Thanks Robert. The homeowner and neighbors love the glass as well.

  4. Hi Shirley,
    This is all fab stuff!
    Just luv that faux rill!

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