How plants are bred to become "Proven Winner" plants is a fascinating process that I documented on video for my Garden World Report Show.
Did you know that plant propagation requires exteme sanitary measures? Watch the video with Shirley Bovshow and Chris Berg.
I was invited to tour one of the growing facilities for Proven Winners plants, in Bonsall, California at EuroAmerican Propagators to learn how their plants are developed.
It all begins with research and development and testing…lots of testing.
Plant Trials and Developing Plants With "Superior" Traits
Every plant that is introduced by this company undergoes a STRENUOUS trial period where the plants are planted in the ground, in containers, in hanging baskets, you name it.
Although these plants are well cared for, they aren't "babied" during testing in order to assess their "survivor" potential under average garden care.
When a plant is finally selected for development, great care is taken in growing the "mother plant", (original plant where cuttings are taken from) where it lives in a disease-free, sanitary environment.
A trial plant undergoes many years of testing and once selected for development, thousands of dollars are invested to produce and market the plant to both the trade industry and the home gardener.
This may shed some light as to why branded plants are usually more expensive than non-branded ones.
Proven Winners selects a handful of plants every year from a pool of thousands of hopefuls!
Watch "How Plants are Bred to Become Proven Winners Plants" with Shirley Bovshow and Chris Berg.
Plant trials are a combination beauty pageant/Olympic games where only the most beautiful and most vigorous plants make the cut for development.
Some of the improved traits include, longer bloom times, improved disease resistance, lower watering needs, less maintenance and of course, designer colors and patterns!
Gardeners who like to grow plants from seed will not be able to duplicate these plants as they are grown from cuttings and in some cases, they do not re-seed, by design.
Common alyssum has re-seeded in parkway
In the case of the rampantly-self-seeding alyssum, Proven Winners has developed an improved alyssum,'Snow Princess.'
'Snow Princess' promises a long blooming season, neat habit and that it won't end up in your neighbors garden!
Watch the video to see what Proven Winners does to improve plants and follow the step by step process from "research and development" to when plants are shipped in preparation for their final destination- garden centers!
I hope you find it to be informative and entertaining.
Next time you see a branded plant at the garden center, you'll understand what makes this plant different from plants with "no name" distinction!
Yes, they cost a few more dollars but they also promise gardeners a lot more.
What has your experience been with branded plants?
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