
Hallmark “Home and Family Show” Front Yard Makeover

by / 5 Comments / 2528 View / October 16, 2012

There's a new daytime show on the Hallmark channel called, "Home and Family" that received a front yard makeover by me!

The show is taped in an actual house located on the Universal Studios lot, which is kind of unique for a talk show.

Kitchen segments are taped in the kitchen, there's a living room, family room and a large front and backyard- my stomping grounds!


Touted as the "ultimate how-to" show, you can watch the live, 2-hour "Home and Family" Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 12 PM PST.



Paige Davis, of "Trading Spaces" and Mark Steines of "E Entertainment" are the hosts.


I was invited to appear during the first week and asked to do a "mini-makeover" of the front yard, particularly the area in front of the porch.




The lawn did little to cover the porch slab which was in plain site and unattractive.


My assignment was to increase the curb appeal of the front yard using low maintenance plants. 



Kellogg Garden supplied soil and mulch.


I called two of my favorite landscape vendors- Monrovia Plants and Kellogg Garden  to ask if they would participate and supply the materials I needed.

They agreed and arrangements were made for deliveries one week before taping.



Unlike other garden television makeovers, the preparation work was completed in advance so I only needed to install a few plants on taping day.

What a relief, especially since Los Angeles was in the middle of a heat wave with temperatures in the 100-degree range!


Flower Carpet and Knock Out Roses

The front yard cried out for color and a romantic look to compliment the traditional architecture.

Considering the fact that this yard isn't tended to by a family, but rather a production company, low maintenance plants were a must!



Flower Carpet -Amber roses in bloom



Knock Out rose by Monrovia


I selected the Flower Carpet-Amber-Rose and Knock Out tree roses as foundation and anchor plants.


These award-winning landscaping roses have revolutionized the landscaping industry ever since they were introduced to the market.

Flower Carpet and Knock Out roses bloom from spring until the first frost of winter and are bred for disease resistance.

Both varieties can be planted in garden zones five through ten but must be protected against frost.


In addition to the roses, Monrovia also supplied the following "supporting" plants to round out the landscape.




For the television segment, I taught Mark and Paige how to plant a Flower Carpet rose correctly.

Fortunately, I was able to complete the planting before my six-minute segment was over!

Just in the knick of time.




How to Plant a Flower Carpet Rose

  • Dig a hole twice as wide as the Flower Carpet rootball and equal depth of rootball.
  • Mix Gardner & Bloome Rose and Flowering Plant Mix to the native soil backfill 
  • Loosen roots of rose and plant in hole
  • Fill in hole with amended soil
  • Water
  • Mulch underneath the roses


gardner-and-bloome-rose-and flowering-plant-soil-edenmakers-blog

Gardner & Bloome Rose and Flowering Planting mix


Enjoy the before and after photos!



Left side- before





Left side of yard after.


Home-and-Family-Show-Front Yard-Makeover-Before-Shirley-Bovshow

 Garden bed against garage is too narrow- before



Flower Carpet-Amber and salvia beyond.



Regal Mist pink muhly grass shimmers in the sun!


I'm excited about returning to the "Home and Family Show " soon to  present on "Terrariums."

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5 Comment

  1. Thank you for watching the show!

  2. You are fun to watch on Home and Family.

  3. Hi @TaraSayersDillard!Hi @TaraSayersDillard!
    Thanks for your comment about the makeover. Love your idea. I can visualize it.
    If this had been a real life project I would have gone to town on the porch as well. Hopefully the porch will be a separate project for the show and we can discuss furniture and container pants. Hope you are well! – See more at: https://edenmakersblog.com/?p=4932#sthash.ML3Vb0n4.dpuf

  4. Hi @TaraSayersDillard! Thanks for your comment on the makeover. Love your idea. I can visualize it. If this had been a real life project I would have gone to town on the porch as well. Hopefully the porch will be a separate project for the show and we can discuss furniture and container pants.
    Hope you are well!

  5. I would have taken the railings off. Put in flagstones with thyme between, and placed a trinity of adirondack chairs. A new space for them to interview, from the garden.
    Loved seeing what you did. With landscape designers there are always dozens of RIGHT solutions.
    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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