I designed a multiple cell phone charging cabinet for my family to use after an unsuccessful search for this product!
Have you ever had guests ask if there’s an available outlet so they can charge their phone while visiting, only to end up charging it in the bathroom?
These occasions are the inspiration behind my cell phone charging station.
My cell phone charging cabinet is not only beautiful to look at, it’s multifunctional!
I designed it after a vintage telephone booth, complete with “Phone” sign and painted glossy red.
The project is very easy to make and uses a few simple materials.
Total cost of the completed cabinet was $50.
Materials For Shirley’s “Cell Phone Charging Cabinet”
- Old medicine cabinet or lightweight wall shelves with door
- Red glossy spray paint
- Dremel drill
- Decorative wood plaque (available at craft shop) for the “Phone” sign
- Wood letters to spell “Phone” painted black
- Glue gun
- USB port for multiple cables
- Power adapter to plug into electricity
- Hooks for hanging keys
Wipe cabinet clean and remove inner shelves.
Measure the middle of the back of the shelves.
Using a Dremel drill, make holes large enough to run 6 to 8 USB cables through.
Turn cabinet upside down and drill hole underneath in order to thread the electrical adapter to the USB strip that lays at bottom of cabinet.
Using even, broad strokes, spray paint glossy red paint inside and outside of the cabinet.
Allow time to dry.
Cut the premade sign plaque in half. (See photo)
Paint a solid white rectangle in the center of the plaque and paint the edges red.
Glue the letters to the plaque, spelling “Phone.”
When the paint is dry, attach USB cables to the strip and run up to the different shelves in cabinet.
Screw in the hooks to use as keyholders.
When the paint has dried, thread the USB cables up and behind the shelves and plug in your phones.
Start charging your phones and hang your keys in the cabinet.
It’s a good idea to hang the cell phone charging cabinet near your front door so that your guest can leave their phones at the door and you can enjoy uninterrupted conversation!
Here’s a few other design prototype using bathroom cabinets and wall shelves from Home Goods.
I found this blue bathroom cabinet at Home Goods for $89.
Inside view. Look at the possibilities.
It’s very spacious and can charge many phones and tablets at the same time.
Here’s a white hanging cabinet that can be retrofitted as a charging cabinet very easily.
Take a look inside.
Inside of white hanging wall shelves.
If you like my cell phone charging cabinet or have any questions, please leave your comments below.
Hi Margaret,
How exciting! I’m thrilled to hear that my cell charging station was a solution for you. Your dilemna is exactly what I was facing at home with lots of kids and family coming through our doors.
Can you post a photo? I would love to see it!
I made one of these, I was soooo excited in Dec. when I saw you make this, I started looking at all the thrift shops and consignment shops. One day there it was, I was so excited. I painted it red, went to Michaels and got the letters, they came in white, and got the wood plaque to put the letters on. Everyone is so amazed about this idea, I am sure some of them will make one. And I wouldn't mind helping them. I just love it mainly because I have 16 grand kids under 15 years old. When they came at Christmas I had 14 cell phones that were plugged in all around my house. Grand kids saying "who took my charger? It was plugged in under and behind the grand piano. Another saying, my charger was in Nana's bathroom and now it's gone! Of course I couldn't plug my cell in my bathroom, because I knew it would come up missing. We had many note books, tablets and lap tops all over the place. So I actually got a 24" wide by 48" tall and 9" deep cute wood curio looking cabinet with glass front that has cathedral shaped wood and glass. It looks like a Red telephone booth, like the ones in London!! The doors open in the center, there's 5 shelves. Lots of room for lots of charging!!! I absolutely love having this charging station!!!! Thanks so much for the idea, and teaching how to make it!!!!
Thanks for visiting and your comment Geoffrey. I’m producing a line of cell phone stations like this one and many others! Happy to hear you like my design.
Stick around for garden ideas too.
I love it, i want to make one for my home. What a lovely concept and original idea. I thought i would find a clever idea like this on a tech site not a garden website. As it it happens i was looking for ideas to remodel my own garden. 🙂
Nice one Shirley.
Thank you Bren~ Just left a message on your blog but not sure it was recorded. Please check it out~
I love your site and your sparkling personality : this is why I talked about you on my site and nominated you for the Sunshine Award that another blogger gave to me! http://bggarden.com/blog/2013/12/20/sunshine-award/
Hilary! You dropping in to my blog is like coming over to visit! Thank you so much for dropping in and your beautiful words of support.
Hope all is well with the family and I wish you guys an incredibly fruitful and joyful New Year!
Shirl, you just keep making the world a little better one improvement at a time; a little more beautiful one flower at a time. That creativity is flowing over.