
Legacy Plants: Cloning Your Plants on Home & Family Show

by / 3 Comments / 1326 View / January 23, 2014

My latest segment on "Home & Family" show is about "Legacy Plants," or special plants that have been passed to others through cloning.

There is nothing new about taking cuttings to multiply a plant but what is unique about my Legacy Plant design is the way the plants are shared.


Take a Closer Look!



Instead of handing over a cutting of your special plant in a plastic bag or in a small growing pot, create a "gift package" that elevates your plant to heirloom status.

I know I would treat a gift plant with much more importance if it looked like the plant in the photo above.


Legacy Plant Gift Kit

Place your plant cutting into a beautiful container after it has grown a decent size.

Don't leave it in your plastic grow pot.



I blinged out my plant with sheet moss and decorative shells.


An important feature of the Legacy Plant kit is a framed photograph of the plant and the plant owner that accompanies the gift plant.

In addition to this, I designed a custom plant tag that tells the story of the plant including the year the plant was first received, the occasion, and the person who received it!

The materials are from Michaels Craft store. 

Popsicle stick glued to a pre-shaped wood marquee and painted copper.

The inscription was printed on computer paper and Mod Podged over the marquee.


No one will ever forget the significance of your Legacy Plant when it comes with these details.

Take a look at more Legacy Plant packages and start passing on your treasured plants!


African Violet with photo and plant tag.

I displayed the plant with a cute "Pass it On" decorative piece I had made with birch tree slices and etched ink.


African-Violet-Plant-Tag-Legacy Plant-by-Shirley-Bovshow

Closeup of African Violet gift tag.



I love the textured photo frame that compliments the rugged container holding the Arrowhead or Nephtitis plant.



Closeup of the Legacy Plant custom tag.


Watch my gardening segment on Home and Family, titled, "Creating Legacy Plants for Generations to Come" as seen

For instructions on multiplying a geranium, read Propagating Geraniums by Taking Cuttings.

Subscribe to EdenMakers Blog for blog post updates.
I'll post an article on cloning your plants as seen on the show, shortly!



See you soon!


3 Comment

  1. Hi Julie,

    Sorry I missed your comment! Thanks for sharing your legacy story, so sweet.
    There is something to be said about passing along plants that have special memories attached and then nurturing the new generation plant.

    Now it will be your turn to pass on the plants to other generations!

  2. Hi Julie,

    Thanks for sharing your sweet story! You are living in a horticultural museum! Love it.


  3. Hi Shirley,

    i love the " legacy" plant theme! I have several plants that would be considered legacies. My oldest plant is a rose bush that belonged to my grandmother who lived in Arizona. My sister Debbie took a piece of the climbing rose from my Nana's house when she passed away in 1987. It grew strong on a trellis in front of Debbie's house in Phoenix.  A few years back I was admiring the roses and she gave me a small cutting in a bottle of water. I brought it home to California and it has thrived!  I love that when I look at it, I am taken back to my Nana's house and I picture her lovingly in her garden. Other than that, I have other plants that are legacies. One is an orchid from my daughters birth 24 years ago. Another is from my peach tree. It was originally my dads treasured peach tree (over 30 years old) which provided us with many years of delicious fruit. When it finally gave its all, my hubby took one of the shoots that grew from a fallen peach. We now have a large tree, that we are anxiously waiting for fruit from.  There are so many other legacy plants in my yard. That is the beauty in walking around outside and thinking of those people who meant so much. Like the plant, it makes their memory alive.

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